วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2564


 Socialist Republic of Vietnam

President: Trueng Tan Sang

 Vietnam has a communist rule. Has the president as the highest leader of the country The current president, Truong Tan Sang, 62, is a leader of the Communist Party of Vietnam. Stepped up as the 9th President on 25 July 2011 after receiving the highest number of votes from the presidential election.

 Prime Minister: Mr. Nguyen Tan Sung

 Nguyen Tan Sung became the 6th Prime Minister of Vietnam on June 27, 2006, and is now 63 years old, affiliated with the Communist Party. In the past he was the Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam.


 Kingdom of Thailand

         King: King Bhumibol Adulyadej

 Thailand forms a constitutional monarchy. And use parliamentary democracy Or which the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand collectively referred to as "Democracy with the King as Head of State" His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej He served as the head of the country since June 9, 1946, until now he reigned for 66 years. It is the longest living monarch in the world. And the longest in Thai history

 Kingdom of Thailand

 General Prayut Chan-o-cha (nickname: Tu, born March 21, 1954) is the prime minister and head of the National Council for Peace and Order. He is also the Chair of the Board of Investment of Thailand. Chairman of the National Energy Policy Council Chairman of the Public and Private Sector Joint Commission to Solve Economic Problems And Chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Commission Which is a committee within the National Council for Peace and Order [1] Chairman of the Royal Project Coordination and Support Committee Former Army Commander Former director TMB Bank Public Company Limited, former Chairman of Army United Football Club and former Chairman of the Executive Committee of Royal Thai Army Television.

Prime Minister: General Prayut Chan-ocha


 Republic of Singapore

President: Tony Tan Khengyum

 Singapore Rule in a democratic republic With the president as head of state The current president, Tony Tan Kheng Yum, 72, recently served as president on September 1, 2011, after scoring only 0.34% of Singapore's presidential electoral vote, he became president. Singapore, the seventh person since then

 Prime Minister: Mr. Lee Hsien Loong

 Lee Hsien Loong, now 60 years old, has served as Prime Minister of Singapore. Following Mr. Goh Jok Tong since 12 August 2004, it is the third prime minister of the country. Lee Hsien Loong is the eldest son of former Prime Minister Lee Guan Yu.


 Republic of the Philippines

President: Benigno Aquino III

 The Philippines was once a colony of the United States. Therefore adopted a democratic regime of the United States to administer the country With the President as the head of state And is the chief executive of the country The current president is Benikno Aquino III or Benigno Simeon Ko Huangco Aquino III, currently 54, serving as the 15th president of the Philippines. And is the current prime minister of the country Since 30 June 2010


 Republic of the Union of Myanmar

President: General Thein Sein

 The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, or Burma, ruled the country with a current presidential system: Gen. Thein Sein or Tien Sein, 67, took the presidency after Senior General Than Shwe on February 4, 1971. General Thein Sein had previously served as the 11th Prime Minister of Myanmar from 2007 to 2011.



 King: King Sultan Muztasi Mubillah, Abdul Halim, Muassam Shah Ibni Al Marhum Sultan Badir Shah

 Malaysia is governed by a parliamentary democracy. The format is similar to England. And the United Arab Emirates The head of state holds the position of the current King, Sultan Mushtasi Mubilah Abdul Halim Mussamshah Ibni Al Marhum Sultan. Nabadir Shah, aged 85, is the 5th and 14th King of Malaysia and the Sultan of Kedah State. His present

 Prime Minister: Mr. Najib Razak

 Dato Sri Haji Mohammad Najib Bin Haji Abdul Razak or Najib Razak is the current Prime Minister of Malaysia. Or is the sixth prime minister of the country, currently 59 years old, born into a family of politicians. Former Deputy Prime Minister And affiliated with the Umno Party


 Lao People's Democratic Republic

President: Lieutenant General Jummalee Saiya teach

 Lao People's Democratic Republic has a communist socialist regime. Which Lao authorities use the word People's democracy With the Lao People's Revolutionary Party as an organization leading the country The supreme leader of the country is called "President" is equivalent to the presidency. The current president, Lieutenant General Jummalee Xayasorn, 76, is the country's sixth president and serves as another secretary-general of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party Center.

 Prime Minister: Mr.Thongsing Tamuang

 The current Prime Minister of the Lao People's Democratic Republic is Thongsing Tamuang, now 68 years old, has served as Prime Minister since 23 December 2010 and is also a member of the Political Department of the Party Center. Lao People's Revolutionary Party One more position Before that, during the period 2006-2010 had been the chairman of the National Assembly.


 Republic of Indonesia

 President: Joko Widodo

         Joko Widodo is the seventh president of Indonesia. Elected in 2014 (2014) by his profile It can be said that he is truly the favorite of the poor. Because he had been poor before Before becoming a furniture trader Then he got into politics as the mayor of Solo, the governor of Jakarta. And President of Indonesia



 Kingdom of Cambodia

 King: King Norodom Sihamoni

 Cambodia Ruled with a constitutional monarchy His Majesty King Norodom Sihamoni, aged 59, enters the throne on October 14, 2004 by unanimous resolution of the Throne Advisory Council. After the announcement of the abdication of his father, King Norodom Sihanouk due to health problems

 Hun Sen

 Prime Minister: Somdet Ambassadee Dejo Hun Sen

 Hun Sen, or Somdet Chocho Hun Sen, currently 61 years old, has served as Prime Minister of Cambodia since he was 33 years old during the era of the People's Republic of Cambodia. It is the youngest prime minister of Cambodia. Received a royal title From King Norodom Sihanouk as Archbishop Decho Hun Sen in 1993


 Negara Brunei Darussalam or Brunei

 King  And Prime Minister: King Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Muizaddin Waddolah

 Brunei is governed by an absolute monarchy.  Designate the sultan as an explanation  It is both the Head of State, Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense.  His current reign is King Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Muizaddin Waddaulah, the 28th King of Brunei, aged 66, ascended the throne on October 5.  1967 Damrong is the head of state, Prime Minister, Minister of Defense  Minister of Finance  And Islamic religious leader of Negara Brunei Darussalam.


  Socialist Republic of Vietnam   President: Trueng Tan Sang   Vietnam has a communist rule. Has the president as the highest leader of the ...